Research into a Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation as a Mechanism for Supporting System Level...
Impact of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) on Second Language Students
CITED: Partnered Knowledge Mobilization between Researchers and Media Organizations
A Multi-year Developmental Evaluation of the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research
Increasing Capacity to Mobilize and Apply Research Knowledge in the Ontario Education System
Program Evaluation for the Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (POPFASD)
Assessing Self-regulation in Play-based Contexts
Examining Kindergarten Policies and Practices to Foster Self-regulation
Teaching Teams in Kindergarten: Comparing Educator Expectations in Kindergarten
Preparing Teachers for the Age of Accountability
Approaches to Classroom Assessment Inventory
What’s in a Grade? A Multiple Perspective Validity Study on Grading Policies, Practices, and Values
Accountability of English-language Proficiency Testing for Immigrants to Canada
Assessment of Competence in the Professions
Measurement of Large-scale Educational Change
Examining Assessment and Evaluation Education