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Graduate Studies 

Collaborative scholarship in assessment, evaluation, and knowledge mobilization

At the graduate level, we offer a variety of course in the areas of assessment, measurement, program evaluation, and knowledge mobilization. See below a list of our courses. Note: all of these course are not offered every year.


EDUC-809 Assessment of Student Growth and Achievement: This course will address basic practices, procedures, and reporting of student assessment as these apply to students, classrooms and schools. Principles of sound teacher-made and standardized assessments of student growth and achievement will be the major topics studied. 


EDUC-827 Measurement in Learning: This course focuses on the principles of instrument development, use, and analyses for the measurement of educational outcomes and constructs. Course topics will include survey and test development, factor analysis, reliability and validity. 


EDUC-828 Topics in Program Evaluation: Determining the merit of educational programs requires that there be a fit between the needs and intentions of the program and the theoretical foundation guiding the evaluation. Students in this course will examine competing theoretical models of evaluation and be able to argue for their uses in particular program contexts. 


EDUC-840 Educational Assessment: Current theories and practices in generating and interpreting student assessment data are changing the way we measure achievement and learning.  Using such data obtained from classrooms, schools, school boards, provincial, national and internal assessment programs, this course explores the use and impact of these evolving theories and practices. 


EDUC-841 Perspectives on Program Evaluation: Expanding purposes and contexts for program evaluation draw on multiple theoretical frameworks and methodologies.  Exploring evaluation decision making from these multiple perspectives provides insights into the scope, limitations and future territory of evaluation use.  


EDUC-864 Knowledge Mobilization and Translation: There is an oft-cited gap between research, policy and practice.  A new field of inquiry called knowledge mobilization (KMb) in education and knowledge translation (KT) in other sectors seek to address these gaps by integrating research and data use at multiple levels of the system to improve knowledge uptake.  KMb and KT involve collaboration among diverse stakeholders including (but not limited to) researchers, intermediary organizations, practitioners, policymakers and community members.  This course will focus on theory, research, and practical strategies related to KMb/KT across sectors.


EDUC-806 Scholarly Writing and Dissemination: This course will explore scholarly writing, publication, and dissemination practices within the field of education.  Throughout, students will engage in short and long writing activities designed to form a basis for strong writing skills.  Students will also learn close reading and critique techniques in order to identify exemplary writing practices.  Students will be encouraged to experiment with different forms of scholarly writing with the goal of writing publishable work in their area of research by the end of the course.  Dissemination opportunities and outlets will be discussed.  Students in this course should have established foundational scholarly skills and be prepared to disseminate content (i.e., findings or arguments) publicly. 


Queen’s University is situated on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory.

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